4 Million People saved in Egypt in the last 2 years!

April 21, 2009

While Mars Hill baptised over 300 people this easter, and I reckon we’ve seen some 20 people saved at my own church in the last year or so, most of the time Gospel work seems like a hard slog with very little fruit – at least in the West.

So this should be of some encouragement to those of us in the hard-hearted west: in Egypt, 4 million people have put their trust in Jesus in the past 2 years!
Apparently 14,000 people are saved in China every day too.

How great is our saviour God!
Pray He’d have mercy on our own stubborn countries!

What do you think?

March 31, 2009

William Sprague seems to assume that you should want revival:

I shall not stop here to prove that such a state of things has every thing in it to interest the best feelings of a Christian. If you have ever felt the power of God’s grace, and especially if your hearts are now awake to the interests of his kingdom, and the salvation of your fellow men, it cannot be a matter of indifference with you whether or not God’s work is to be revived in the midst of us.

Do you agree with him? Do you want revival? Why or why not?

Revival web watch

March 23, 2009

Check out the nifty little gadget on the left! (or, if we’ve changed the theme since this post was written, on the right)

That there thing-a-majig has a bunch of links to revival stuff all over the internets. Worth checking out, and worth checking occasionally for new content. (If you stumble on any sweet links send ’em to prayingforrevivalblog (at) gmail (dot) com)

And keep praying!